jgnat I wish I'd have said that. If I ever use that quotation or expression I will make sure you get credit for it.
Truth seeker 674
JoinedPosts by Truth seeker 674
Evolution is Crap, there I said it!
by Crazyguy inok i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it.
the theory of major evolution is crap!
the theory is falling apart.
Evolution is Crap, there I said it!
by Crazyguy inok i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it.
the theory of major evolution is crap!
the theory is falling apart.
Truth seeker 674
Hey Jgnat:
"A sincere searcher after truth nee never adjust to another's reality or sit on his laurels. There is enjoyment in a lifetime of seeking, learning, asking questions, and never resting in the pusuit." Was this a quotation from someone or did you come up with this on your own. Very profound indeed.
by Terry inbritish astronomer sir john hershel, it was reported in the chicago sun times, made some extraordinary discoveries on the moon!.
the year was 1835. this famous astronomer reportedly had discovered life on our moon.. all manner of strange and wonderful creatures including men with wings like bats had been observed using a new and powerful telescope.. .
fire-wielding biped beavers and batmen were quite extraordinary discoveries indeed!.
Truth seeker 674
Thanks Terry
I remember reading as a kidd in some old literature the 1874 prediction. I showed it to others at the time and they just said" that was an old thought. The light keeps getting brighter. No body pays any attention to that old stuff any more. What are you an old Russelite?" I'll bet if you were to show that now to witnesses you'd probably get the same replies.
I sure find it fortunate for me and my now familliy that when I was a kid, I listened in Science Class. I suppose me having to sneak Scientific American Magazines home, it was viewed like child pornography for my then familly, cemented a distrust of this and maybe all religion in me.
Every Ex-JW can learn very important parallels from this video
by Terry inthe speaker in the video was genitally mutilated as a young girl.
as a muslim she had been devout and even on the fringe.. however, events in her life drove her into an escape into free society.. she is an outspoken person much despised as an apostate.. in this video her explanation of the psychology of absolute belief is the sort of carefully wrought clarification which can.
be an epiphany for former jehovah's witnesses as well.. it is a helluva clear deconstruction of what makes islam tick, too.. .
Truth seeker 674
Wow when you watch the video and and replace the words here after with after armagedon the philosophy is basically the same.
Honey, hottie Hitler, come back to bed!
by Terry ini like everything about the apple but the worm in it.. .
i like everything about the mushroom except the poison in it.. .
i like the look of the waxed fruit except for the nutritional value.. .
Truth seeker 674
Terry in Texas could you please send pm the original german of the letter to hitler? Collecting stuff like that is a hobby of mine. I find many of your posts thought provoking.
Former Long Time Elder - Judicial Committees
by James Jackson inwhen i first was appointed as an elder, i could not wait to be on a judicial committee.
it semed like most hearings invovled middle age men and women cheating on their mates because either they had married early or felt that were being neglected by their mate.
most times i felt i need to take a long hot shower after a hearing.. the toughest part was seeing these sweet young children grow up in "the truth", and now you are about to judge their future based on their repentance.
Truth seeker 674
How could anyone stay in and actually know the TATT Eden? You remind me of those that are always studying and never able to come to an accurate knowledge of TTAT, or maybee you are are just a coward. I felt it "that was justified" to bring this up.
I am a Human Apostate, and so are YOU (YOUTUBE)
by Watchtower-Free inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dbfc4rclay&nr=1&feature=endscreen.
her blog.
Truth seeker 674
She is a beutifull person you all, looks like one of my daughters. A very couragous person welcome Watchtower free. Sorry about your parents and the fact this has only been viewed 197 times.
Hi, from Adamah
by adamah ini'm just stopping in to say "hi!
" to everyone (and is this the right forum?
i didn't see a newcomers intro forum, but maybe i missed it).
Truth seeker 674
Hi Adam I am fairly new to this site but you just don't seem real to me. I would love to hear your story.
Any JWs on here that still believe?
by cognac init would be nice to start a thread with those people to reason things over in the bible.
no name calling, no putting others down, etc.
it would be nice to show this to my husband without him seeing things like, "if you were a real jw, you would not be on here to begin with.
Truth seeker 674
Very good post Congnac
Any JWs on here that still believe?
by cognac init would be nice to start a thread with those people to reason things over in the bible.
no name calling, no putting others down, etc.
it would be nice to show this to my husband without him seeing things like, "if you were a real jw, you would not be on here to begin with.
Truth seeker 674
Affectionately :Brother of the hawk. Crazy Guy is well named its his or her idea to call himself/ herself that. I know the feeling when you say "I will surrender my mind no more forever" Stay true to that and you'll be fine. I don't know who Simon is but you can't expect him/her to watch over this site and sequester free expression. That's what the watchtower does.